MarcSaric:General disclaimer

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The remaining legalese part, read if you must.

German law requires a masthead for all commercial/journalistic websites, so here is mine (although this is a private noncommercial site, but commercial in terms of german law means "non-transient" or "sustained", i.e. every web-page essentially).

No -german law is not more weird than every other legislation.

Creator/owner of this page (and only person responsible for the content presented here (but not for the content of any external links in accordance with some other weird legislation which states that you are responsible for the content of external links unless you say otherwise explicitly)) is

Marc Sarić
Posthof 3
69254 Malsch

I can be reached via email under

Copyright statement

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Unless otherwise stated or unless other licenses of third-party-copyright-holders rights apply, you can use all content of this page freely under the license mentioned above.